
Wednesday 5 October 2016


Throughout September, the students in grade 5 participated in a variety of activities to explore the concept of grit. Grit is the ability to set goals and then stick with them, working through "failures" and persevering. The students were given challenging activities such as tangram puzzles or origami and then examined their own ability to persevere when presented with something new and difficult. Research supports the idea that learners are more successful when they are willing to make mistakes and approach challenges with a positive attitude.

Brain research shows that the human brain can change and learn new things all through life with practice, hard work and dedication. As a class, we watched the following video and learned about neuroplasticity!!!

Over the course of the year, we will continue to discuss the importance of grit with students. We will encourage students to challenge themselves by setting goals and by developing a plan to meet these goals. We hope that you find the following information helpful in having discussions with your child at home about having a mindset that is open and eager to learn.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for bringing 'mindset' into your classroom discussions. We have been encouraging our child for several years to take risks in class and make mistakes. Hopefully hearing it from you will make the difference!
